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你的位置:首頁 > 產品展示 > > 德國ERSA >ERSA電焊臺




  • 產品型號:i-CON NANO
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2015-08-20
  • 訪  問  量:2074


ERSA電焊臺Features and Options:

  • Small footprint (145 x 80 mm) – saves valuable workbench space

  • Fully antistatic according to MIL-SPEC/ESA standards

  • Three fixed temperature settings or continuous from 150 up to 450 °C

  • Three selectable energy levels

  • Ultra light and ergonomically designed i-TOOL NANO with max. 80 W of power

  • Large spectrum of low-cost & long-life replaceable tips

  • Automatic stand-by function and non-operative mode saves energy & tip life

  • Password lockout function for increased process control

  • Calibration function for exact tip temperatures

  • Complete system parameterization via simple PC software and micro SD card


Power rating (Watt) 80
Supply (Volt) 230
Secondary voltage (Volt) 16,5
Temperature range (in °C) 150-450
Preheating time (in seconds) 9
Design Soldering Tips long-life tip
Antistatic design (yes / no) ja
Digital display (yes / no) ja
Weight (g) 2.000
Replacement heating element (order-no.): 010102J



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滬公網安備 31011502007638號

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